Talk Grow Learn Action Team
Improving early childhood literacy and brain development in children age 0-5 through supporting families and early childcare centers
Montezuma County
Our Approach
Strategy #1
Increase awareness of early childhood programs and resources for families with children age 0-5
Key Actions
Creation, development, and management of Baby Bee Ready: an app for families with children aged 0-5. BBR is a hub of all early childhood programs and resources; families can earn prizes and incentives for participation on the app and exploring all our community’s resources available to them.
Strategy #2
Support, implement, and expand the LENA program to increase early brain development
Key Actions
Coordinate the implementation of LENA Start, LENA Home, and LENA Grow across Montezuma, Dolores, and La Plata Counties
Promote LENA in early childcare centers, libraries, and home-based centers
Baby Bee Ready App
Connect with local programs, resources, and activities for your child!
Learn more about Baby Bee Ready and download the app
LENA (Language ENvironment Analysis) helps transform children’s futures through pairing technology with data driven programs designed specifically for parents and early childhood educators. LENA provides the technology, materials, training, and support, and partners with trusted community organizations to deliver our programs at the local level.
Interested in participating in a LENA program? Reach out to emilyh@unitedway-swco.org for more info.