Caregiver Workshops

Parenting is hard work! Come connect with other caregivers and learn tools to support yourself and your family.

La Plata County

Registration is open for our next round of in-person workshops: Sign up here! To join a virtual, small-group parenting Q+As click here.

haga clic aquí para español


For years, community conversations around youth mental health pointed to a need for more resources for parents and caregivers to understand how to navigate challenging topics and situations with their children. In 2023, Team UP La Plata set out to fill this gap and provide consistent supports for our caregivers. Since February of 2024, Team UP La Plata has hosted seven free workshops around setting healthy boundaries in Ignacio and Bayfield to equip parents and caregivers with tips and tools to better support their kiddos. Attendees take away from the workshops numerous resources (which anyone can access below!) to continue learning about topics like communication, internet safety and cyberbullying, parenting, and more. Our workshops include free dinner and childcare and gift card drawings in appreciation of attendees’ time and energy.

This year, to reach more parents and strengthen our community, we are hosting 11 workshops across Ignacio, Bayfield, and Durango, including two in Spanish! We will also be providing five free hour-long Parenting Question and Answer small-group sessions with Rachel Turiel from January through May. Keep scrolling to see our 2025 offerings along with other parenting resources!

Workshop Details:

  • La Plata Youth Services’ Chris Brown has developed a helpful workshop for parents to support them in their effort to improve their family's relationship with screen-time and tech use. Chris walks you through the "landscape" of our current tech-fueled culture, before jumping into helpful strategies, boundaries, and tools to support parents and their children navigate this landscape. Technology and screen use is a part of our lives in 2025, and Chris helps guide parents to create a healthy screen-use plan for their loved ones and themselves. 


    • Durango: Three Springs Conference Room (65 Mercado Street, Conference Room 202), January 15th- Attendees can park on the street in front of the building or use the employee parking lot behind the building. Need transportation from in-town Durango? We have Durango Transit tokens! Reach out to Caroline at to access. Route 3 drops off in Three Springs every half hour.

    • Bayfield: Pine River Library, January 22nd

    • Ignacio: ELHI Community Center, February 12th

  • Learn to de-escalate challenging situations with your child and work together to find solutions that everyone can live with.


    • Durango: Three Springs Conference Room (65 Mercado Street, Conference Room 202), April 23rd

    • Ignacio: ELHI Community Center, April 30th

  • We hear time and time again that bullying is a major issue in and out of schools, so we’re going to bring in local experts Al Wolfe and Taylar Moorehouse to help us navigate supporting our children through these challenges! Supporting our children and community in difficult situations can feel scary. Walk away from this interactive workshop with new skills to help your family navigate bullying, boundary setting, and being an active bystander.


    • Durango:Three Springs Conference Room (65 Mercado Street, Conference Room 202), March 12th

    • Bayfield: Pine River Library, March 26th

    • Ignacio: ELHI Community Center, April 9th

  • This two-part workshop in Spanish will be held by local expert Brenda Chavez Alonso to help the community navigate mental health stigma and understand how to identify and support ourselves and our child(ren) through these challenges.


    • Part 1, Supporting our Mental Health January 29th

    • Part 2, Supporting our Children’s Mental Health February 26th

    Reach out to Brenda at or Caroline Hoge for location information

  • We know that sometimes, at the end of a long day, or when a kiddo comes home sick, going to an in-person event just isn’t an option. So this year, we are providing virtual, hour-long, Parenting Question and Answer sessions with Communication expert Rachel Turiel to answer your personalized questions and provide support most relevant to you! To make these sessions as impactful as possible, we will be limiting attendance to 12 parents per session. Registration for each session will open two weeks in advance and will be posted on our Facebook page:


    • Second Mondays of the month from January through May

      • 01/13, 02/10, 03/10, 04/14, 05/12

    • 5:30-6:30pm over Zoom

    Registration for Jauary 13th’s session is now open and can be found here:

  • Here’s a list of other online workshops and supports available to parents and caregivers. Note that these are not affiliated with Team UP.

    Ongoing Resources:

    Upcoming Free Workshops:

Team UP Resources:

Webpage_MHAT Events by Carolineh

Many thanks to the generous organizations who have donated or offered discounts on swag, activity passes, and food for our parent attendees to provide healthy, pro-social opportunities for family connection!