Team UP Southwest Colorado
Ensuring every child thrives from cradle to career through collaborative efforts in Dolores, Montezuma, La Plata, and Archuleta County
What We Do
Support children, youth, and families through collaboration
We recognize that lasting, community level change begins when organizations and programs make the shift from working alone to working collectively towards a greater goal. Team UP brings together individuals and organizations across the southwest region to address deeply seeded issues and emerging opportunities through a data driven and informed Collective Impact Framework.
Over 60 entities across Southwest Colorado have stepped up to work together to create a thriving community for children, youth, and families. Team UP partners participate in action teams, meeting on a regular basis to collaborate on specific topic areas that have been identified by the community.
Create a thriving community through interconnected efforts and impact areas
To create a thriving community, our efforts are focused within 5 Impact Areas: Education Success, Early Childhood Success, Essential Needs, Health and Wellbeing, and Financial Strength. These fundamental areas of impact are interconnected, and it takes a shared responsibility among all of our community members to support the wellbeing of our community, creating a place where all of us can thrive.
Our process for community-level success
Our communities identify an issue that is affecting children, youth, and families
Team UP backbone efforts support the community in organizing “Turn the Curve” sessions to gather data, identify root causes, resource map, and develop solutions
Action Teams form to develop and carry out action plans to collectively address the root causes and implement solutions
Our Impact Areas
Explore each impact area and action team further below.
Early Childhood Success
We know that 0-5 are some of the most transformational years in a child’s life. The early years are crucial to brain development and quality experiences can lead to positive development mentally, physically, and socio-emotionally.
Montezuma County
Increasing access to high quality early childhood education and supporting childcare expansion efforts. Learn More
Dolores County
Increasing family involvement in community events, resources, and services so that that families grow and learn together and have quality time together in a positive manner. Learn More
Montezuma and Dolores Counties
Improving early childhood literacy and brain development in children aged 0-5 through supporting families and early childcare centers. Learn More
Essential Needs
Basic needs are a fundamental human right and it takes a community to ensure everyone has access to the essentials required for a quality life. We want to ensure families don’t need to think about meeting essential needs so that they can focus on ensuring their own family can thrive.
Montezuma County
Improving food security in Montezuma County through responding to emergent needs and closing food gaps. Learn More
Health + Wellbeing
Health and wellness are foundational building blocks of a holistic approach to the health of our community members. While including physical, mental, and emotional well-being of children and families, we also address broader societal and environmental factors that impact the overall well-being of our community.
Dolores County
Improving youth well-being through increasing mental health supports for youth. Learn More
Montezuma County
Decreasing the rate of child neglect cases in the county, specifically focusing on substance use and domestic violence. Learn More
Montezuma County
Increasing youths' sense of belonging and inclusivity ensuring mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. Learn More
La Plata County
Equipping adults in La Plata County with the skills and tools to better support youth mental health. Learn More
Education Success
Our community plays a vital role in nurturing and supporting the learning and development of our children and young adults. We foster community engagement to implement creative solutions and extend learning beyond the classroom to enhance education outcomes.
Montezuma & Dolores Counties
Improving early childhood literacy and brain development in children aged 0-5 through supporting families and early childcare centers. Learn More
Financial Strength
Financial success goes beyond personal financial stability to focus on how the financial health of individuals can contribute to the prosperity of the entire community. Through creating an environment where everyone has the opportunity to achieve financial success, we lead to greater economic resilience and overall prosperity for all.
La Plata County
Increasing access to summertime programming for k-12 youth in La Plata County. Learn More
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